Greetings, my son. I am Latwii. I am very happy to be with you. I greet you in the love of his radiance.

In the last six months of your time, much has happened to bring about disaster to many of your peoples. The land is changing, the people are changing, there are rumors of war, there are many strange things happening to many peoples—yet your governments, your churches, do not tell your peoples what is going on.

Most of your peoples are being kept in darkness, as they have [been] for so long. However, a few with open minds and open hearts are beginning to receive light into their being once again. The foot is in the door, so to speak, and now is the time to force open the door of darkness and ignorance and let light and love come forth. Many would receive and welcome new information if it were but brought to them. We are here for such a purpose, and, with help from servants of light, it shall be done.

“I have come that ye shall have life and have it more abundantly.” A great teacher brought this message long ago. The people of Earth are overdue for its fulfillment.

Adonai, my son. I am Latwii, your friend and teacher.