
Group question: The question today, Q’uo, as I am sure that you already know, concerns the recent acts of terrorism that have come to the United States. Many people have died, and much property has been destroyed and there is a lot of talk about retribution, about war, and a lot of fear and anger, a lot of confusion. And we are wondering what this situation looks like from Q’uo’s point of view. We are told that this world is an illusion. It is a place where we come to learn to love. From our point of view, right here, right now, it is a very difficult place to learn to love. We are wondering what Q’uo can add to our knowledge of just exactly what has occurred, what does it mean to us in the spiritual sense, and what can we as individuals do to help the situation?

The September 16, 2001 transcript in this Newsletter is already represented in the L/L Research Transcripts section. Please click here to go to that transcript.


We are holding meditations for world peace at 9 am and 9 pm each day (Eastern time), and we invite all our readers to join us for just five minutes each time. You may also wish to visit a new page we have added to the web site, “Gaia Meditation.” We would like to thank our Third Annual Homecoming attendees for helping us to get this meditation going.

We also want to let everyone know that A Wanderer’s Handbook is available. Many wanderers have reported that the events of September 11 have awakened them at a deep level, and this handbook was created to help wanderers deal with seeking and serving at times of increased catalyst such as this.

We would like for any readers who have tried to order any of our Law of One series of books from a bookstore and been told that the books were out of print to write us and tell us about that experience. Perhaps we can change that.