How we seek to hold the light is as important as the light we hold. Here are some principles to which we hew:
Dispassion – Dispassion is vital to our orientation. That includes turning down the power on the very text that we offer by reminding the seeker that they are the truth that they seek, that this is just a resource for their own self-discovery.
Like the Buddha’s parable of the raft, the Confederation’s teachings may be used to cross the river to the other shore self-realization, but once that shore is reached (however one determines such a thing), the raft may be discarded.
While we speak positively of this material because we love it, because it’s been immeasurably helpful in our own lives, because we’ve seen its impact on those who resonate, we don’t proselytize or evangelize. We don’t sensationalize or hype the material. We don’t suggest to anyone that they need it, or would be better, or would gain whiter teeth if they used this information.
That also includes not engaging in manipulative advertising – or really, any advertising – that would seek to foster consumership.
Respecting free will – We avoid dogmatism as best as possible. We respect the seeker’s sovereignty. We promote the discernment of the seeker and we encourage them to set aside this material if it is not a helpful fit for them at this time.
Authority – We disclaim our own authority in the spiritual sense. We cannot do the learning for anyone else. We have no final answers for anyone else, only freely given catalyst that may or may not be helpful.
Authenticity – This material places a premium on authenticity: on being and accepting who and what you truly are with increasingly less pretense. Indeed this philosophy suggests that being who you are is your greatest most profound service. We seek to be authentic, humble, and accessible, not being put on pedestals or treated as gurus or sources of ultimate wisdom; that includes enbracing our human folly in the spirit that “we are all bozos on the bus,” as Carla liked to say.
Membership – We avoid membership. We instead seek to offer tools and resources to individuals and groups that they may use as they see fit on their spiritual journeys.
Embodiment –However imperfectly, we strive to embody the principles we seek.
When holding something of spiritual power such as the Law of One is — because people’s lives are changed in the considerable meaning and guidance they find in this material — there are many ways to get it wrong. We cannot claim to be perfect in upholding this responsibility, but we continually strive to hold our position with honor, care, and open hearts.