Regular Meeting

I am Hatonn. Greetings my friends. I am happy to be able to talk with you this evening.

I am a little afraid that I am not able to continue with our new area of understanding. Perhaps later.

I am a little unable to understand what has happened to the thinking of this group. I am trying to analyze the difficulty. I have a few ideas, however it is too soon to appraise them. It is not as difficult as that. That you almost give up thinking.

This is the way of life and it is very simple. Love is natural. It represents the Creation. That word love is the Creation. It is the natural way to live. It is an effort to think otherwise.

Your people have tired themselves out deliberately thinking in the wrong direction. Why do your people grow old? Why? They do that to themselves. Thoughts of love is all that you are required to have. Why take on more created thoughts of man and hate your people. That, my friends, is the cause of all your difficulties, your illnesses. They are all brought on by your negative thinking. Think of love and you will he in perfect harmony with the Creation. Love, not a possessive love, but love. A love for everyone. Kind thoughts for your neighbor. They, my friends, are you. In spite of what you think of certain people on your planet, they are you. YOU. I am trying to impress upon you that it is much, much easier to love everyone. This my friends, is natural. This my friends is the Creator. This is you.

I have had the pleasure of conditioning you my son, Harold. I have been contacting you and conditioning you continually. I am very pleased with your efforts to avail yourself my son. I am aware of the few difficulties involved. However I am sure that it will be, at the most, a few more weeks. I am suggesting that you continue to avail yourself as often as you can. I have enjoyed our contact.

I am looking forward to the evening, my friends, when I am able to continue with the new area of understanding. Believe me, my friends, it is very, very interesting, but you must be ready.

I am Hatonn. Adonai, my friends, I am leaving you in the love and light of the Infinite Father, Adonai.