Greetings, my son. I am happy to be with you. I am Hatonn. I greet you in the love of his radiance.

I am continually trying to understand your peoples. They could be living in the light of the Father, and yet many are living in darkness. They are all busy wanting things that are very unimportant in the Father’s creation. In the Father’s creation you already have all there is if you will but become aware of it.

In the Father’s creation, man is a creator of what he wants as long as it is good for himself and those about him. Man is punished when he reaps the creations he has caused about him, and this planet is about to reap the wrong creations of many centuries.

When will Earth [man] see the folly of his ways and realize he cannot do better than what always was from the beginning? Create good for all in your thoughts to heal the wounds that are to come. There will be many, my son.

Adonai. I am with you always. I am Hatonn.