Greetings, my son. I am Hatonn. I am with you again. I greet you in love and light of the Infinite One.

Thoughtlessness is a tragic thing. Little do Earth’s peoples realize what they are doing through their thoughts. On Earth’s level of understanding, the time factor, as you would say, eliminates many evil and destructive thoughts at the present. However, these thoughts have built into a tremendous force which [is] paying the Earth’s people back now, as you would say.

The Creator allows a period of time for a planet and its peoples to evolve to a higher degree. However, this is not so in speaking of Earth. The planet is ready for the change of something higher, but the people are not ready. They have had a long period of time to learn love for one another. However, this was not done, and hate has become greater than love on this planet.

Man can only carry destruction so far, and then he must suffer the error of his ways. This is a punishment he has brought upon himself. God cannot be blamed for this, as many of your peoples have a way of doing. Man will only reap good unless he has sown bad. That is a universal law of the Creator. It has been so since the beginning.

Only through love will things be made right on this planet: not love as your peoples see it, but a universal love for all things in which they are able to see the Creator and live accordingly.

I leave you. I am Hatonn. Adonai vasu borragus.