Greetings, my son. I am with you always. Greetings from all your brothers and sisters of other worlds. We are with you always.

All are one and one is all. This is the Father, our Creator, that is all, that is one. Know this, my son, that all are equal and are children of the one Father. How could one be better than the other in the eyes of the Father? Look upon all and yourself as the creator. Then you will know a true heaven.

Many are with you in this thought, but it will take time to change the people of your planet to this thinking. They think from the standpoint of their creation, not the Father. Seek ye and know that you are the Creator. You may create what you want, but you cannot change the Father’s creation one bit.

Absolute love, understanding, harmony and peace: That is the Father’s creation. Do you need more?

Adonai, my son, I leave you now. I am Hatonn.