Greetings. This is Jim McCarthy welcoming you to the L/L Research Podcast, In the Now, Episode Number 71. L/L Research is a nonprofit organization dedicated to freely sharing spiritually oriented information and fostering community. Toward this end, we have two websites: the archive website,, and the community website,

During each episode, we respond to questions sent to L/L Research from spiritual seekers like you. Our panel consists of Gary Bean, Austin Bridges, and myself. Each of us are a devoted seeker and student of the Law of One. Your questions allow us to explore the Law of One in related matters of metaphysical interests. We hope only to offer a resource that enhances your own seeking process.

Please know that our replies are not the final word on these subjects. We ask each who listens to exercise discernment and be sensitive to the inner resonance of determining what is true for them. If you would like to submit a question for the show, please do so. Our humble podcast relies on your questions. You may either send an email to [email protected] or go to for further instructions. Again, I’m Jim McCarthy and we are embarking on a new episode of L/L Research’s weekly podcast, In the Now.

Is everybody ready to go?

I am.

I believe I am.

Gary had to think about it. He was voting in his mind.

Took me a second.

Okay. We have a question today from 1109 from Bring4th who says:

“Hello friends, I have a question that you can discuss if you’re interested. I’ve been thinking about lower energy center blockage lately, trying to figure out my own areas that need work. I’ve come to the conclusion that the yellow-ray energy center is my weakest point. I have problems getting a job, interacting with groups, and not feeling passionate about anything the world has to offer.

Basically, I don’t want to do anything. It doesn’t feel fear-based, but more like disinterest. This got me thinking about the path of the adept. Adepts tend to decrease outer activity in the world. How does this compare to third-ray blockage and what are the differences and similarities?“

Austin, why don’t we take off first with what it’s like for the yellow ray to be blocked and then to be unblocked? What’s the healthy and the unhealthy situation with the yellow ray? What’s your opinion there?

Well, I think that’s a good place to start and I really like this question, too. I think that as I started exploring it, the relationship of the yellow ray and the path of the adept is really interesting. Before I talk about my feelings about what the yellow ray is—blocked or healthy—I have to add a disclaimer that a lot of my ideas about the yellow ray came from reading Carl Jung’s work and relating it to the Law of One. I fell that Carl Jung really hits the nail on the head as far as social development goes and how we as people—but also as seekers in general—relate to society and grow up within society, as well as how that affects our ultimate psychological and spiritual developments. I feel like there are a lot of correlations between Carl Jung and Ra as far as the yellow ray goes.

Saying that the yellow ray is blocked or distorted would mean that there is an inability to relate to society or an inability to grasp the concept of social groups or grasp social groups in general. In my mind, the yellow ray is our social identity within society as a whole. It isn’t necessarily how we relate to other people on an individual basis with our individual unique personalities, but rather how we interface with society and how we identify with larger groups within society, as well as how we view our place within society.

I think someone with a blocked yellow ray would be somebody who feels like they have a hard time relating to society. This is probably someone who not only has a hard time relating to society, but maybe has a distorted attitude towards society. A bitter, or as 1109 referenced “fearful” perspective, that prevents them from really taking on a social identity and having an identity that helps to relate to society as a whole. This social identity goes beyond helping one to relate to society, but it also helps society relate to the individual as well because we can’t expect the entirety of society to automatically grasp the intricacies of our own individual psychologies at any given time.

It helps to have a social position in order for others to relate to us on that social level, whether it is our job or how we identify socially in terms of class or high school. In fact, that is a good example of how this happens: in social clicks. As we are developing the yellow ray, I think we over-identify with social movements and social ideas. So in high school, at least in my high school and in a bunch of portrayals in media and stuff, people tend to segregate and really identify with their social circles. The Skaters and the Goths had a very distinct style of clothing and that was very important. People really split off into their groups and their groups were basically a big part of their identity. And I think that is a good way to sort of see the yellow-ray array.

In my mind, a healthy functioning yellow ray would be somebody who is comfortable with their social identity and with how that social identity relates to other social groups and social identities. A person with a healthy yellow ray can also relate to social identities on that social level in a healthy and balanced way. I think that is all I’ve got for the initial question.

Sounds good, Austin. Gary, how about you? What’s your opinion here?

To dig into what Austin was describing a little bit more, I do want to say that of those various groupings in high school, the coolest was definitely the marching band. I would know that because that was my group, or one of my couple overlapping groups.

That’s what the marching band is known for: being really cool.

Yeah, it’s pretty universal.

Especially tuba players.

Yeah, I was alto sax. So, within that hierarchy of coolness, I was actually near the top.

You’re right below the drum line.

I thought Austin did a very good job. I would just add that into the mix of yellow ray is one’s sense of power in relating to groups, too. A negative use of yellow ray would seek dominance of an individual within a group and would seek the group’s dominance over another group. For example, when a country wants to defeat or be better than other countries. An example where yellow ray can manifest in a healthy way is in sports. But in a situation like war, where one nation may want the destruction of other nation-states or so forth, it might be a negative yellow ray.

However, there are healthy uses of power that are in balance and move along the lines that Austin was describing where, in the positive model, power is shared on an egalitarian basis. One recognizes their own power or their social or group’s own power and the power within that particular identity and seeks to serve others by increasing the empowerment of all. But that’s about all I have to add to the yellow-ray aspect of this question right now.

Okay, good job, Gary. I would just echo what you both said and maybe add just a little bit. The basic expression to positive and negative polarity is acceptance and love for the positive, and separation and domination for the negative. I think that for the first three rays, especially for the orange and the yellow, this is especially applicable. When we inevitably find ourselves in groups which are unavoidable, we’re going to see behaviors of that nature pop up because that’s where we’re starting with as an individual. We find ourselves in work situations or school situations or team situations where we relate to other people. In interacting with these different groups, we pretty much begin with where we are as one individual and with the orange ray and we tend to reflect that upward as we move through the energy centers, especially into the yellow.

As Gary was saying regarding groups, teams are probably one of the best examples of groups that tend to foster the like-minded thinking and behavior of the members of the group. When a group gets in competition with another group—say it’s athletics or band competition—they can show how adept they are at whatever it is they do by beating the dickens out of the other group. It seems that this is a behavior that we all characteristically go through at some point or another when we are at the age of a junior high or high school or grade school and even college and later on—it can last a lifetime. During these times, we really don’t know any better than to identify with a group like that and to accept and to live out the group’s values, as well as to probably intensify those values just to show that you’re a really good member of that group.

But I think that this eventually bleeds over into our coming discussion on the adept. Some people start thinking for themselves at some point and they decide that they don’t want to do that anymore. There’s something inside of them that says that that’s kind of infantile and destructive behavior and that that is not the way they want to be anymore. Maybe they developed interest in a model somewhere or started reading into areas of philosophy, religion, or social activism, or into any of the people who have really made a mark for themselves in our world by having a philosophy that tends to take in people, rather than exclude people. It is then that they begin to be able to extend the open heart to more and more people. I think that is something that can begin in both the orange and the yellow rays so that we are really preparing ourselves to open our hearts eventually.

I think everything we’re doing here in the third density is a preparation for opening our hearts. Someone with a yellow ray that is functioning the most freely is, as Ra said, is someone who is able to love everybody whom it has a relationship with and hopes only for the other person’s joy, peace, and comfort. Such a one is not trying to put anything over on the other or get anything from them. They simply wish them well always. I think that we begin to mature as human beings when we can see that there’s no good reason for us to separate ourselves from each other even though we are taught that it’s so easy and so acceptable to separate ourselves when we were growing up. These lessons of separation continue into adulthood. When we’re in our workplaces, we want our company to do better than our competing company—we want our country to do better than another country.

So, I think that what we’re doing with the yellow ray is really preparing us to expand our love of the people in the group and outside of the group to a universal nature. Any further thoughts on the blockages or unblocking of the yellow ray?

Just a brief thought from me. “Tribal” is another word that comes up when considering yellow ray, which is a mindset that manifests more and more clearly lately nowadays. Jim, I think what you described is exactly right. We move from that “my tribe only” mindset to a universal one, which is the movement to green ray.

Yeah. It’s difficult to really pick apart the distinction between the development of the orange and the yellow because I think that there is an element of orange in the tribal attitude.

But before we start getting into the big way that yellow ray might relate to the path of the adept, I wanted to touch on the concept both of you referenced regarding sports. In my view, it’s hard to really get into the metaphysics of how this affects our society as a whole, but what I see is a healthy way to explore the concept of power over others in groups like that. This can go beyond just the team themselves, but can spread out into the entire fandom of that team.

I think it got me thinking about a wholly positive expression of yellow-ray group expression within society. Manifesting positive power in the yellow-ray sense could be when a group—you sort of touched on this, Gary—empowers its own members to empower the rest of society. A part of such a social group identity is one in which there is a calling and a motivation to share the wellbeing of all with all of society. This is manifested not as the individual alone, but as the group working together and tapping into that group mind that might manifest in something like sports, and pointing it towards the well-being of society as a whole.

Couple of quick examples that come to mind in terms of what you’re describing are something like when the military or National Guard is put to disaster relief or rescue efforts or, say, the Peace Corps that goes and is of aid to those in need.

Yeah, like Doctors Without Borders. I think that these are groups that have a very distinct identity. I’m sure members of these groups are proud to be part of that group and that identity empowers them in their service.

Yeah, those are good points drawing from my previous fanaticism with athletics, and especially Nebraska football, without touting Nebraska fans too much. On a couple of occasions, the national television audience witnessed something in Nebraska that I’ve never seen or heard of anywhere else. That is, the opposing teams came into Lincoln, Nebraska playing the University of Nebraska football team. According to overwhelming odds, Nebraska was supposed to win these games. However, both of these teams, Texas in 1997 and Florida State in 1981, came in and beat the Nebraska teams.

As those opposing teams were leaving the field, Nebraska fans stood and gave them an ovation. In fact, it was a standing ovation because they appreciated good football, which is what they just saw because Nebraska played well. But, those two teams played better. And that’s something that I’ve always been more proud about than National Championships—how Nebraska fans treat their opposing teams.

Yeah, this isn’t what the show is about, but I do want to share this thought that I think competition, as it’s expressed in sports, is part of us innately. This is especially because of our biology. If you just look at the second density on Earth and how we evolved through it, we have competition in our DNA. I think finding a way to integrate that into our social relationships in a positive way is one of the biggest hurdles for humanity. Once we can figure out how to do that, I think it will be a more powerful thing than a hindrance.

Oh, definitely. That takes me back to my days in the Rocky Mountains, when I went to the brain self-control research school. The fellow there had the philosophy that human beings had evolved from the ape which, as we know from Ra, is correct. But he specifically said that we had to evolve from Australopithecus Africanus, the South African ape, which was also known as the killer ape. It was the first mammal, first kind of its species, to kill its own kind with a leg bone of an antelope, I believe. He said that is basically what we have to overcome. We are risking the ability of human beings to live on the planet when we have something like the atomic bomb.

If we have this type of competitive mentality in our brains, I think that it’s probably something that’s more related to the yellow energy center, which is what we’re talking about here. I think the yellow-ray energy center probably has a home somewhere in the brain. The old root stem is where the ape is located. It doesn’t have frontal lobes—the old roots stem and the neocortex. So, that’s what we’re working on. We’re trying to overcome these tendencies, the survival.

The red ray is about sexual reproduction and survival. Those tendencies are moved higher up the energy centers and if we still have those competitive tendencies, then we tend to reflect that in our relationships with others. These tend to be a deleterious type of relationship. I think that a lot of things like spouse abuse and child abuse and those things come from that. We know because of what is taught in society and in church that we shouldn’t be doing that, but there is that tendency in us to want to control others or to have them do exactly what we want.

We see examples of people who express these types of behaviors by abusing people in silent and in secret. I think it’s interesting now that it seems like all across the country—I don’t know if it’s worldwide or not—there are so many revelations of men who have abused women in their past in very high places who are now having to pay the consequences of their actions. It’s almost like a social revolution where this realization of needing to respect people and love them rather than compete against them and abuse them and control them, is becoming almost like a national movement.

Any further thoughts there? We’re really ringing everything we can get out of this.

Yeah, I’ve got lots more thoughts, but I’m fine with moving on.

Okay. Well, we’ve got the concept now of the adept because I believe 1109 mentioned something about the adept. I think in his own mind he’s wondering if he has a yellow-ray blockage, or if he is displaying some of the qualities of the adept who, at some point, discovers that it must travel another path—that the worldly attractions no longer are attractive and just don’t fulfill his or her needs anymore.

There is a solitary path, which Don called an excursion. It turned out to be an excursion into the catalyst of the spirit, which is faith and hope so that the adept can then begin to discover more of the qualities of the Creator within itself as it opens up, balances, and uses the indigo-ray.

So, Gary, you have some thoughts there?

What you described, I think, is a great thread for exploration. I hope you guys dig in, in that regard, in terms of the world no longer being that attractive to the adept. I think Ra’s talk about disassociation plays into that, too. It wasn’t my avenue, really.

I think what got 1109 thinking was when Ra defined the adept and said in #75.23:

“The seeker becomes the adept when it has balanced with minimal adequacy the energy centers red, orange, yellow, and blue with the addition of green for the positive, thus moving into indigo work.”

Indigo work, I think, is key to understanding the adept. The adept then begins to do less of the preliminary or outer work having to do with function, and begins to affect the inner work which has to do with being.

Ra poses here this shifting of focus from the outer work to the inner work. I’m reading 1109’s question as a spring-boarding from that, and I think it’s a really good question. I think that when Ra says that the adept moves from the preliminary or outer work, I don’t think that means that the adept is unmotivated or is disinterested in engaging in life per se. On the contrary, I see the adept as one who has successfully negotiated these lower energies to a certain extent—not necessarily having mastered social situations or accumulated a brilliant resume. Just that the indigo level of consciousness that Ra is describing presupposes that the entity doesn’t have any major stumbling blocks in the lower chakras.

So, the adept can perform the duty as needed, whether that is the income work or the necessities of the social sphere. But, their attention is oriented toward inwardness, towards service, and towards the present moment. In other words, the adept is one who meets whatever needs be done in the moment. But what’s of greater importance to the adept is how the moment is met: the quality of their attention, the love and light, and their energy, and the purity of their desire to seek and to serve. The adept is engaged in a never-ending process of tuning the being, balancing the energies, and aligning the self with the Creator. Whatever the adept is doing on the surface is just a vehicle for that more interior and more fundamental process within.

What 1109 is describing could have any number of causes. But my best guess is that the sort of malaise he or she feels might be symptomatic of lower chakra blockage. The adept certainly may not be interested in any of the activities that the world deems interesting, but not from a place, per se, of apathy or inertia. Instead, it is from a place of active presence and love and ability to engage where needed and where there is a call for service.

Those are my thoughts. Bounce back to you, host.

Okay, good job, Gary. Austin, how about you? What’s your opinion here?

To take the ball from Gary and the thread he was going with, I have a thought on what he was describing. I think some people might feel that the quote Gary mentioned about less of the outer work and more of the inner work that has to do with being might be up for interpretation. It could be a semantics thing about what people interpret outer work to be. I feel like maybe it’s easy to interpret that as being outer service or activity in the outer world, versus sitting and meditating and looking inside. And I feel like maybe what you are saying, and what I agree with, is that that is not necessarily the case. The work that Ra is referencing is the work in consciousness. Our outer work would be that work which we rely on the outer world to do inside of us. Inner work is being able to find a place where there isn’t a reliance on the outer world, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s not activity.

Just because you’re coming from a place of being doesn’t mean that you aren’t out in the world and serving. It is just flowing through you more, rather than you having to find situations to react to them and thinking about reacting and trying to actively find the best path of service and things like that. So, I think along those lines I completely agree.

Now to get into the other discussion, I actually can’t even remember the angle that you approached it from, Jim. However, regarding the general theme of the yellow ray and how it relates to the path of the adept, I think that is particularly where Carl Jung’s work shined because some of the key concepts of his work dealt with this. He had the concept of what is called adaptation, which is the process of coming to terms with one’s external world—particularly our external social world—and balancing that with our own unique psychological characteristics. This is where we get the terms introvert and extrovert from. Carl Jung coined those terms and offered them to us as modes of adaptation or how we deal with social situations and how we balance it with our own unique psychology.

I think having such terminology really helps to guide a seeker in becoming comfortable with how they relate to the social world because not everybody is going to relate to the social world in the same way. Not everybody is going to be an extrovert that is just adept in any social situation and is able to expend seemingly infinite amount of energy just socializing and drawing power from real yellow-ray social interaction. I think that the balance of yellow ray comes more from the comfort of how we relate to society and the ability to relate to social groups with a sense of love and joy like you referenced earlier, Jim. The quote where Ra says that each entity must, in order to completely unblock yellow-ray, love all which are in relationship to it with hope only for the other-selves’ joy, peace, and comfort. I think that’s obviously talking about the positive yellow ray unblockage there.

I think how this relates to the path of the adept is that once we become comfortable with our social identities and unlocking and accessing blue ray, we can honestly evaluate these social identities and find out what portion of these social identities might not actually serve us and might not actually serve others. In doing so, we are able to navigate the social world without having an over identification with these social groups, all while being comfortable with how we relate on a yellow-ray level.

The blue-ray then—as Gary was saying—after it’s balanced, makes way for making the indigo-ray work accessible. This is the path of the adept. Carl Jung basically addresses that in his concept of individuation. Individuation is essentially through the process of adaptation where a person becomes comfortable with their social and outer situation to the point where they can relate to it on an individual level. At this point, they can be honest with themselves about their social status, their social identity, and their beliefs, as well as determine what beliefs, distortions, and biases come from the social identity only and which ones are really true to their hearts. I think that is the first step in adepthood: the blunt honesty with the self about our beliefs and our relationship to the world, and figuring out where they come from, and whether or not they truly serve on our path of service.

It felt a little disjointed, but those were my thoughts.

Okay, very good, Austin. You covered a lot of ground there. I had one thought, perhaps, related to 1109’s situation. He’s trying to figure out why it is that he doesn’t have the stick to hold a job and so forth. Wanderers have problems like that fairly frequently coming from higher densities and finding themselves in this third density, which is generally difficult enough. Then when you find yourself in a third density like the one we have here, it’s extra difficult, I’m sure, because there is so much disharmony. It does not resemble their home density very closely at all. Wanderers can experience different types of psychological difficulties and can basically just reject the culture and the environment in which they find themselves. The allergies Ra spoke about are basically the rejection of the unconscious mind for the entire environment, the planet, the density, everything you have here. Wanting “to go home” is the basic thing. It could be that 1109 is suffering from some wanderer’s blues in not being able to enjoin with others in the normal practices of holding jobs and having social relationships and so forth. So, I just want to throw that in as a little possibility.

Back to the quality of the adept, I don’t think there’s any chance, really, that he’s expressing the nature of the adept to travel that solitary path that each adept must travel in order to be true to him or herself and to find those qualities of the self that are able to be utilized in opening the indigo and making contact with intelligent energy and intelligent Infinity. Because I think there that the adept is one who really has, as Gary said, been able to—maybe not master all the lower energy centers—but at least activate them in a balanced fashion, which has allowed the prana of the Creator to travel high enough into the indigo-ray that the indigo center has opened. And after the opening, then there is a period of balancing which can take a long time. I mean, my indigo was open in 1972 and I’ve been balancing it ever since either consciously or unconsciously. I think that a lot of what happens to an adept in most of the journey has to be conscious because it’s something that you’re focusing your energies on in the most efficient manner that you know.

I think that there are also what are potentially pre-incarnated choices. At some point there seem to be stages that we go through that are almost like a surprise to us. It’s like, well, I didn’t know I was working on that, but by golly, I’m glad I’m here. After about two weeks after Carla passed away, I felt like my spiritual journey was thrown into high gear. It was like a race had begun, a starter’s pistol had gone off, and a race had begun. Now it was time to get serious about my spiritual journey, which mostly manifests in meditation.

As time went on, I also noticed other things happening that I wasn’t trying to make happen. I noticed things of the world falling away. I was no longer interested in watching television or movies or athletics, sports. No longer interested in dancing or in music, which had been big parts of my life before that. I was no longer interested in any type of social event that didn’t include a spiritual theme or the possibility to be of service. These things just happened, and it felt right. It wasn’t a situation where I said, “Well, I’m going to be an adept so I have to get rid of these things.” That’s just not the way it worked at all. I don’t think that’s the way it works for any adept.

I think that the people who want to become conscious seekers of truth and to serve the Creator in every possible way can do so by opening all of the energy centers and becoming one with the Creator. I don’t think that there’s any attempt consciously to reject any part of the world. There is more of an attempt, as a matter of fact, to feel a compassion for and a love for the rest of everything and everybody. I think that is what is conscious. There are just things that occur as a result of your conscious choices, and maybe your pre-incarnative choices. I think that starter’s gun going off was a pre-incarnative choice, and Carla’s passing was what was necessary for that to happen. It was just set up just like one, two, three.

So those are my thoughts on that. Has anybody else got anything to say about this topic of adepts and how they travel the path of seeking?

Yeah, especially spring-boarding off your own experience because it offers a good model. I would like to highlight that the path of the adept is one that is very active. Now, the body may be motionless in meditation, and the life may be simplified and made quiet and humble. But the adept is one who is very engaged and active in terms of the quality and the concentration of their focus. I think stillness itself, true interior stillness, is the highest state of activity and focus. But it’s not a lethargy. It’s not distracting oneself and saying, “I don’t really vibe with the world or its employment system, and instead I’m going to find comfort and meaning where I can through food or drugs or other distractions and forms of escape.” As fine as all those things are, I’m not speaking in terms of judgment. But the adept is not seeking meaning or being from those sources, per se.

Jim has been seeking being very effectively in the past couple of years. Through that very engaged path, things fall away. I think part of what falls away, such as Jim was describing, is the identification with form, with the illusion, and with that which had formerly brought satisfaction. In fact, one of my favorite quotes from Eckhart Tolle is this:

“The most important step that you can take on your spiritual journey is to disidentify from the mind.”

This is also echoed when Ra talks about disassociation being a necessary portion of the path of the adept. The adept disassociates from the former containers of thought and form with which it had identified. Now to bring yellow ray into this as a point of examining this disassociation, I want to revisit when we talked about the social groups with which one identifies in yellow ray. Sometimes this identification is so deep that if a conceptual attack is made on a social group of which we are apart, we feel that we’ve been personally attacked. Or, we identify with it so much that we would give our lives to it and take other lives for it.

The movement upwards through the chakras is a movement of transcendence, of moving beyond each chakra, to go to its senior and then the next and the next. So this disassociation and disidentification with the mind, and the falling away in the yellow ray would be to say—like Austin was saying—“I’m comfortable with these patterns of social identity in my yellow ray, but it is not who I am.” You’ve transcended those costumes of social identity. You might say, “I like wearing leather chaps and I like my tattoos and I like my Harley, but it is not who I am. I don’t derive identity from this, really. It’s just an outer form. It’s an outer costume that I’m participating in.” And other costumes may serve us at different points in our lives or so forth.

That’s what Jim’s thought brought to my mind about the path of the adept and how disassociation plays into that.

All right. Thank you, Gary. Final thoughts, Austin?

Yeah. This is touching on what I skipped. My last response is on the concept of disinterest that 1109 talked about, and how that relates to this concept of disassociation that we’re talking about. It’s impossible for us to know exactly what 1109 is going through or is interested in. Maybe they have unlocked a key to the path of the adept and are going through that. But I think the point to highlight here is how this concept of disassociation could possibly be used as a form of spiritual bypassing—where a healthy yellow-ray would be first necessary before transcending and being able to elevate and do the indigo-ray work that is indicative of the adept.

Let’s take you as an example again, Jim. Your life has a context of decades of spiritual work and your disassociation from these sorts of social things was not out of rejection of them. Like Gary was saying, it was more of a transcendence. I think that the transcendence Gary was talking about relates to yellow ray because people on the spiritual path first become aware of the social personas they developed in yellow ray, and then they transcend and include them. It’s important that those personas are developed in order to have a relationship with society. If we never develop that yellow ray or if we never develop our social identity, we have no way to serve society because there’s no relationship with it. There’s no way to interface with it. We have to be able to really develop within society in order to then understand it enough to serve it.

Carl Jung touched on this in a quote where he said:

“If a plant is to unfold its specific nature to the fullest, it must first be able to grow in the soil in which it is planted.”

So, if we are able to truly express ourselves as adepts and individuals within society, we have to first become comfortable and grow within that society. For this reason, the feeling of disinterest could be a bypass where one could say, “I don’t want to be interested in society.”

Our society can be especially difficult for Wanderers. Like Jim was saying, it is an easy route to take to just say, “This is a mess! I don’t want anything to do with this!” It’s easier to close in on ourselves and go into our minds where we’re content with just being more comfortable within ourselves, rather than to fully take in and accept society. On the other hand, the adept will have done that work of integration first, and then the dissociation happens.

So, those are my final thoughts.

Good thoughts. Austin. Gary, final thought from you?

No. Great job.

Okay. Well, I think we’ve completed another show successfully. I think it was a good show, gang. You’ve been listening to the L/L Research biweekly podcast, In the Now. If you’ve enjoyed the show, please visit our websites: and Thank you so much for listening and for supporting this podcast with your questions. A special thank you to 1109 for sending us the questions featured in this episode. If you’d like to hear us ramble on about any particular topic, please read the instructions on our page at

We want you all to know that we love you very much. Our hearts are just open to you totally. We feel your love coming back to us and that’s what we’re all here to do, to help bring each other home. New episodes are going to be published to the archive website every other Wednesday afternoon, Eastern time. Have a wonderful couple of weeks. We will talk with you then.