Greetings, my son. I am here to teach you and your group the spiritual truths hidden from the peoples of your planet for ages.

I am beginning to see why these truths have been hidden. The peoples of this planet do not wish to hear truth as it really is. Your peoples are used to the way of life you have been living, and many, many do not want to change. They cannot open their minds enough to comprehend new truths. Many have started to learn newer truth but have gradually fallen back into the old way of living. Ego and pride rear their heads, and your peoples gladly heed their beck and call.

If you are to progress, you must substitute love for these old ways: not love of yourself as you think of it at present, but a love that encompasses all things of the universe. A love that can only see good. A love that can only see perfection. A love that cannot pass judgment upon your fellow man.

These are difficult things to do. However, you were created in this manner, and you would only be going back to what you are. You are all these things to the Creator. Why not be them to one another? That is all the Creator requires: love of each one for each and every one. Meditate on this, my son, and recall your perfection that you are.

I am Hatonn. Adonai.