Greetings, my son. I am very happy to be with you this morning.

Thoughts of the Father are surrounded by light. Thoughts of man are not necessarily surrounded by light. They should be if they are thoughts the Creator would have them express. Man should express all thoughts in love and light, as this was his creation.

Freedom of thought, from the Creator, is a wonderful gift, but all too many of your peoples do not use this gift as it was intended. Thoughts of hate and destruction seem to be easier for your peoples to express. They have been conditioned to think in this manner for a great many ages upon your planet.

Man was created free and in love, peace and harmony with all creation, but upon your planet he has put aside the Creator’s way of thinking and substituted his own version of creation.

We are trying to show you the Creator’s version of creation as we have come to know it. We enjoy living this life of love the Creator has given us. Can your peoples say the same thing about their way of life? I think not because there are a great number of dissatisfied people on your planet. They must return to the Creator’s way or they will never be satisfied.

We are attempting in our way to show how this is done. We only suggest. It is up to all of you as to your decision.

I leave you. I am Hatonn. In love and light, we are all children of the Creator. Adonai vasu borragus.