Dear friends and family of Carla. Our mutual beloved friend is packing her bags for her next great adventure. She is teetering in the final moments of her incarnation and may be leaving us any day now. Carla said that she looks back upon her incarnation and feels that she accomplished what she came here to achieve. She looks forward and sees the gateway that she is ready to cross, anticipating a reunion with loved ones that have already gone over, most especially her own beloved companion, Don Elkins. It is a time of great love and great sorrow here. Carla is in significant pain. Jim is keeping his head up and continuing to post daily updates of her condition at the Camelot Journal:

An outpouring of love has already begun. Messages are arriving through email, Carla’s Facebook, and L/L Research’s Facebook. And a thread has been initiated on Bring4th. All messages are being relayed to Jim. He reads them aloud, though Carla is mostly asleep and unconscious. Thank you all for your love and your prayers. It is a difficult transition for Carla, and difficult for all who love her. The bell of faith rings with her spirit and through its sound we know that all is well.