Austin Law of One Study Group

Austin, TX

The Austin study group meets in person on a bi-weekly basis to study and discuss the Law of One, all L/L Research published materials and channeling transcripts, and general spiritual evolution and philosophy. Please reach out if you are interested in joining.


Jesse Riche


Denver Law of One Study Group


We currently meet once a month on a Saturday in the late morning. We typically have a preselected Law of One related topic to discuss for the first half of the meeting and then welcome any other related questions that seekers may want to discuss from there.


Nathan Olson



Heartland Law of One Study Group


We join in fellowship every other Sunday 10-11:30 a.m. CST. We meet at a physical location in Chicago and online. All are welcome to join.

Our diverse members include healers, teachers, psychics, and entrepreneurs. As Ra suggested, we “laugh together and find joy in and with each other.” Meeting format is a brief check-in and setting intention followed by discussing the Ra contact session by session, and open discussion on related topics. Emphasis is on putting the “heart” in Heartland and spreading green-ray energy far and wide.


Greg Holden, Peggy Lester, and BJ Harden Jones


L/L Research Law of One Study Group

Louisville, KY

In non-pandemic times, public meditations are held every Saturday afternoon from September through May; unless there is a fifth Saturday in the month, in which case no meditations are held.

L/L Research is not an ashram and does not have a visitor’s center. This meditation circle is held in the living room of a residential home. We usually meet for two or three hours, starting with a “round robin’ share around the circle. Whether you are a Law of One scholar or new to the material, we welcome everyone who has a sincere and serious interest in the work who can meet others in the open heart. Email us if you are interested in attending.


Jim McCarty


Memphis Law of One Study Group

Prema Healing Meditation

During the pandemic we meet virtually the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 6:30 to 8:00 pm CST and invite all comers. We currently use Skype as our medium and all that is necessary to participate is to send me the Skype identification.

The group is relatively small but cohesive which allows for an intimacy and specificity in questioning and answers. The meeting format varies according to the needs of the participants with some longer participating attendees having a greater understanding than newer ones but our objective is to make the material as understandable as possible. New seekers are always welcome and encouraged to question everything they may have concerns about or don’t understand. We welcome your addition to our group.


Dean Graves


Philadepelphia Law of One Study Group

Philadelphia, PA

We meet every 3 weeks to focus on a session from the Ra Material.


Louis S.


Phoenix Law of One Study Group

Phoenix, Arizona

We are a service-to-others oriented group who meet regularly to discuss LoO concepts. We try to meet digitally once a week. Additionally we volunteer together in the community. We hope to reflect the LoO in our daily lives. If interested in joining, we ask that you have at least read sessions 1-26 of The Ra Material (originally published as the first book in a series of five). We’re happy to hear from you!


Victor Quintana and Kyle Mitchell


Reading the Law of One


Meets Wednesdays at 8:30pm Eastern. We read one session of the Ra contact each week (& read the following session the next week and so on) with group members asking questions, sharing points of view and thoughts and open discussion.


Joshua Silverman


Reiki and the Law of One

Birmingham, Alabama

The group seeks to use Reiki and deep metaphysical learning/teaching in an intentional group environment to help in the healing of the collective. We will meditate, have a community Reiki circle, and study the Law of One. We meet every Sunday from 2:30-4:00pm CST.


Rhonda P. White


Seattle Law of One Study Group


Based in Seattle, meetings online.

Our group’s mission is to help each other learn and grow in harmony with the Law of One from wherever we are in our own journeys of spirit. We meet Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm PST and Saturdays 8-10am PST on Zoom to talk about the Law of One and how we can apply it in our daily lives in service to others. All are welcome to join our Zoom sessions from wherever they are geographically at that time. We are all teachers and we are all students.

Join our Facebook group (listed below as Website) to get announcements for upcoming Q&A sessions with Jim McCarty and other members of the L/L Research channeling team.

Check out our YouTube channel for videos of previous Q&A sessions.


Jonathan Tong



Spiritual Life Workshops

Las Vegas, NV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

We help students heal and harmonize their lives by presenting relatable and usable practices and concepts from philosophy, religion, art, science, health, and psychology. We especially use The Law of One as a spiritual foundation for our discussions.

Our goal with each Workshop is to share at least one technique or insight that students of any background or belief system can use to decrease stress, improve productivity, and find happiness and meaning in life. Although we are a student group at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, we welcome all seekers to participate in our weekly virtual Workshops!


Nicklaus Yoo



Temple of the Open Heart Community

Swannanoa, North Carolina

Catalyze Positive Evolution through Sacred Gathering

Our primary focus is hosting regular gatherings to study and practice the teachings of Ra and the Confederation. We gather both online and in person in various contexts, both focused study of the material of the Ra Contact, and other ways of being in community that support our soul evolution.

On our website, we share a Law of One Study Group Starter Kit.


BJ Harden Jones (and others)



The Ra Circle

Olinda, Makawao, Maui, Hawai'i

A Circle of Dialogue exploring The Ra Material - The Law of One - assisting each of us in deepening into understanding of the material offered. We cover Q&A in addition to direct study from the complete set of Law of One books. We gather every other Wednesday mid-morning for 2 hours.


Sundance, Jeannette, and Nate


Wanderers, Lightworkers and The Law of One

Orange County, CA (Costa Mesa)

We have been gathering monthly since 2007. Our mission is to support each other with the energy of love, compassion, respect; support the spiritual evolution of humankind in service of the One Infinite Creator; and share-teach-Learn the Law of One in self-reflection.

We read from the Law of One, hold group meditations, share stories, and focus on healing and manifestation. We ask all seekers interested in attending to have read at least one of the Law of One books.


Chase Holden

