News Feed

February 25th, 2023

Law of One Seeker Gathering in Prague 2023 - Event Full

L/L Research is happy to announce that we will be holding another European seeker gathering in collaboration with our friends of the Czech translation team!

February 18th, 2023

Homecoming Gathering 2023 - Event Full

We are excited to announce our first springtime Homecoming Gathering in Louisville, Kentucky.

February 3rd, 2023

Launching the Library Multisite

Exciting new functionality is being rolled out for how the library site works for available translations.

January 4th, 2023

The Ra Contact YouTube Project Completed!

We are thrilled to announce that the long, 3.5-year journey has come to completion.

May 25th, 2022

Launching the Search Engine!

One of the principal goals of L/L’s new library website is to create more “surface area” for the virtually endless library of information. That is, to make it more accessible, useable, researchable, and helpful. Toward that end, we have been long at work to build a robust internal search engine that would allow readers to more effectively explore the material in order to support their spiritual seeking and service.

May 17th, 2022

Law of One Seeker Gathering in Prague 2022

We are excited to announce that we will resume holding gatherings outside the US! In collaboration with our friends of the Czech translation team, we will spend a weekend in the heart of Europe in the beautiful city of Prague.

April 25th, 2022

Coming Home to a New Earth 2022 - Event Full

We are happy to announce the 2022 Coming Home to a New Earth Gathering! Celebrating its fourth iteration and its first post-pandemic return, this event has become a container for transformation, awakening, and community of the open heart.

January 31st, 2022

Now Hiring for a New Position

We are seeking to hire a new part-time employee to join the L/L Research team to support the organization’s growing needs, help us fulfill our mission, and expand and improve our services in exciting ways (including helping us to construct that half-built spaceship in the garage).

October 8th, 2021

New L/L Research Instagram

We are excited to announce L/L Research’s newest endeavor in the social media field: our own official Instagram!

September 24th, 2021

Welcome to the New!

Welcome to the new!! Joyful would not come close to describing how we at L/L Research feel to present our new website to you. It has been a long journey, to say the least, and thanks to the efforts of Daniel Shields, the new site wildly exceeds what we hoped to achieve for a more reader-centric experience.

January 15th, 2021

Announcing the Community Stewardship Circle

We are happy to announce a new beginning for the Bring4th Forums and a new direction for L/L Research: the launch of the Community Stewardship Circle (CSC). As the name implies, it is a community-sourced and community-run circle of stewards. Their twin and equal responsibilities will include ensuring that our collective agreement to adhere to the guidelines is honored, and serving as loving stewards of Bring4th’s online community.

January 15th, 2021

Ra Contact 40th Anniversary

January 15, 1981 started out a day like most others for Don, Carla, and Jim. While Jim was out picking up groceries, Carla was moving through a familiar routine of teaching channeling to one of her students. Nothing marked the day as special until Carla received what you might say was a surprise knock on her inner door during the channeling session. A new source wished to speak.

January 4th, 2021

Law of One 40th Anniversary Boxed Set

We at L/L Research are excited to announce a new special edition of The Law of One Books 1 - 5. A collaboration with Schiffer Publishing, the original publishers of The Law of One books, this new set includes a very high-quality print with new cover art, interior design, and, best of all, hardback covers for all five books.

September 23rd, 2020

Now Online & Registration Full: 2020 Coming Home to a New Earth Gathering

June 10th, 2020

A Message from L/L Research