Practice of Tuning Preliminaries 2

Let’s see. We were talking about protocol. There are basically two levels of unreadiness for channeling which indicate that it’s okay not to channel.

The first level is when you’re in such a mess in your head that you don’t even want to try to experience the contact, in which case you just say, “Pass.”

The second level is when you are at least partway there. If you are at all satisfied with being ready to try this experiment, I would advise you to say, “I am Laitos.” I assume that’s who we are going to get.

Do you remember the question about whether to ask for a certain source or to ask for the highest and best source? When I tuned up just now, I went ahead and challenged Q’uo and asked them whether I should ask for the highest and best or should I ask for Laitos when we begin a channeling circle practice?

And they said, well, if you ask for the highest and best and then say that you are going to do a training session for new channels, you’re going to get Laitos anyway. So it’s all one and the same. I can go ahead and do my usual challenging and you’re still not going to get the Quo group because this group isn’t ready for it.

It would be very frustrating to the people who weren’t and probably bewildering to the people who were too so we’ll leave everybody to be bewildered alike by Laitos.

It’s perfectly okay to pass. But if you feel that you’ve got like half a leg up, then get on and ride. Say, “I am Laitos, “ and then see if something else comes to you. If something doesn’t come to you then just say, “I leave this instrument,” and transfer the contact to the one known as … and name the person to your left, since we’re going to go around clockwise. And then at least you will have tried. You won’t have had to let the thing pass you by.

But there are times when a new channel can get just so bollixed in his own mind that it’s really better if he just says, “Pass.” And I don’t know if that might not happen to somebody here. But there’s no penalty for doing that. It’s just part of the process. In any group of people learning a new skill there is always a wide range of speeds at which people pick things up.

And don’t feel badly if you’re slow. Don’t take it to heart if you’re quicker. Just know that if you are quicker, then you are quicker at getting to the point where you then work for the rest of your life to try to make your channeling better than it was before. I have been trying to make my channeling better than it was before since I began in ’74. And I have gotten just good enough to see how much better I can get.

So if you are quick then great! You’re quickly at the start of a very long journey. And if you’re slow, well, you’ve got a long time. You’ve got all the time in the world. This circle will bring you right along as long as you want to keep working.

Are there any questions about this?

When we are going around the circle is there a possibility for an alternate Laitos to slip in? If somebody starts talking, will you be able to know or feel that there is a different presence, other that Laitos?

I think several of the people in this room are more psychically sensitive than I am. I think I would, and I think they would. But I’ve never had it happen, T.


In all the years that I’ve taught channeling, all the times that I’ve done it—of all the things that have happened, that’s not one of them. Normally people involved in these initial trials will be consumed whether they will be able to produce some channeling. And even after they produce it, they are going, “Was it me or was it not me? Because it feels like me.”

The first thing that you have to get under your belt is the realization that you don’t get a whole different feeling when you are channeling than when you are talking. It’s just that you are channeling. However, the train of thought of the channeling will stop if you stop listening within and start thinking for yourself. That stops the channeling.

That’s the only way you can tell. You can stop the channeling and go, “Oh yeah, I was channeling. Because now I’m not channeling. Now I’m thinking.”

If a person happened to be channeling and then all of a sudden kind of went blank, would they just say, “pass”? What if all of a sudden it just quit?

Generally the contact retains enough control of the channel to say, “We are having difficulty with this instrument. We will now transfer the contact.” And actually for the first couple of months of my teaching that was about as far as I got.

I remember my first channeled message. It was, “I am Hatonn. I am having difficulty with this instrument.” That was my first channeled message. It didn’t get much better than that for a while. I was not one of the fast ones.

I noticed there’s a thing called the conditioning wave. Could we ask for that, going in?

You can ask for it. It’s very reassuring often to new channels to get it.

When in the process would we ask for that? Is it while the circle is going on?

I don’t know. It would be up to you. I have never asked for it, myself. It wasn’t meaningful to me. There are people that find it helpful. I get a characteristic head movement that starts happening and I know I’m there. We all have to find out things like that for ourselves. You used get a conditioning like that at the beginning didn’t you?

[Speaking to Jim:] I mean for everybody it’s different.

Is the procedure, then, that you’re going to start?

I’m going to start and the person I’m going to hand off to is R. I think it’s best to make that clear before we begin, because otherwise it’s just it’s going to be more confusing than it needs to be. We need to keep it simple.

How are we using the screen at this point?

We are going to be tuning. Then when we are in our workrooms, we have our guides. And we start with the contact. And then it goes to R.

Yes, but does he see this on the screen?

I have no idea how he’s going to experience it.

What is the screen for, then?

I find the screen very helpful in challenging. And also, when I want to work on a problem, I have on occasion gone into my work room before I went into meditation and worked with the screen that way. It’s a tool mostly to facilitate the process of getting a contact, challenging the contact and making that real. Because I’ve never had an audible contact, where I heard the words. I have found that it appears very easily for me on the screen and the answer to my challenge appears very easily and so forth. So it’s a facilitator for me of the challenging process.

But in general it’s a really nice habit. For instance, if you want to practice your tuning process, you might tune and get into your workroom and light up the screen before you go into meditation. And then if you have questions with the meditation, you can consult your guidance by saying, “Guidance, let me ask you about this.” Then the guidance can write the answer to you on the screen within your meditation. You can use it that way.

When you pass it to R, then, he doesn’t have to challenge.

No, I don’t think so. Not in this context. The challenging is more to do with when you are initiating contact. But if you want to practice the challenge and say, “I challenge you too,” mentally before you take a pass-off, it’s a very momentary thing to get a positive response. “Yes I meet your challenge.”

So R could or could not challenge.

Yes it’s totally up to him.

It’s up to each of us.

I have a question too and that is, as you were going through the practice it was really taking me so long! I was going so slowly that you were ready bring us up and I was not even in the workroom.

Sorry about that.

But that has to happen, because we all take a different amount of time to go through this thing. So how do we deal with it at the beginning?

Well I’ll tell you what. I go through my tuning process and then I will look up and I will look for a show of hands. When you finish with your tuning process, if it wouldn’t bother you too much, just put your finger up, indicating, “I’m done.” And I’ll just look around until all the fingers have gone up. Does that work for everybody?

So at the end of the tuning process we would be in the workroom and we would have our higher self, male and female aspects, with us. And the screen would be on.


And there’s another part to it. I just could not I could feel my female aspect. So I asked a question of the male aspect of my guidance, because I couldn’t get hold of the female side this time. I asked, “Why am I having trouble?” and the answer was, “I don’t know.” And I said, “Aren’t you supposed to know? You’re my guidance!”


And after that it just went downhill. So I was trying to get somewhere about the time that we were coming up. I kind of got stuck at that point. I will work through that again and see how it goes.

All right. Okay. We’re going to leave all the lights on. I used to turn the lights off and it’s very nice for atmosphere but it was inconvenient and I don’t think it really matters. Any other questions before we begin?

[Tape ends.]