
April 12, 1992

Sunday meditation

... or any transformation occur in both the metaphysical and physical sense. What steps can we go through to bring about change in our lives, particularly in respect to slowing down and enjoying each experience more fully?

April 10, 1992

Aaron-Quo Dialogues, Session 7

Aaron: I would like to continue where we left off last night, to ask you to consider service in still newer ways. Service is a manifestation of love. We spoke last night about being service rather than doing service, the ways that doing creates a distortion of self and other, of server and served. Being service is simply opening of yourself and moving away from any duality.

April 9, 1992

Aaron-Quo Dialogues, Session 6

Aaron: No decision has been made as to the nature of the questions or the direction of the channeling tonight, and it is not my place to direct this, but I would like to offer a suggestion that it feels relevant to me that we speak, at least to some extent, about the nature of service and the misconceptions that the incarnate being may move into about the nature of service which create a distortion in that service and give rise to fear. I would pause here for your responses to this suggestion. That is all.

April 5, 1992

Sunday meditation

The topic this afternoon has to do with communication, especially communication between partners or people who are very close in their relationships, where we would expect that such a situation would lend itself to clearer and easier communication than one with perhaps a stranger. What occurs frequently is that there is a difficulty or a baffling in the communication, where even though both people try to their best abilities to communicate clearly, there is something that injects itself in the communication that causes a difficulty or a muddying of the communication. What would be the advice in such a situation? Would it be better if we attempted to stick it out and work as hard as we can with the person and to finally achieve a mutually agreed-upon clear communication? Or, when you find such difficulties and they recur, perhaps as a pattern, is it better to look at yourself in the contemplative or the meditative state to see if there might be some kind of an internal blockage or problem that you are working with in that particular area where the communication is unclear? Would that be an avenue that might provide clarification, not only to that particular communication, but in your ability to communicate in general? What would be the advice in such a situation as a way by which we could clear our communication?

March 29, 1992

Sunday meditation

The question this afternoon has to do with relationships in general, and in particular, when we find ourselves in a relationship that isn’t exactly to our needs or specifications, how we can accept that portion of the relationship that is other than we would have it be, if it is to be the spouse, or ourselves, or the situations that we find ourselves in, whether they are financial or social or any situation that we would like to change and seems to be unchanging, or perhaps changing too quickly? How can we find within ourselves the acceptance and the support that will help us to help our spouse and to strengthen the relationship so that the relationship and the ideals for which it stands will endure?

March 7, 1992

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, tonight we would share with you a few thoughts on the subject of purity. It is difficult to conceive of purity within the realm of your illusion, for, as your illusion is permeated with indecision, as your illusion is the point at which the individual must select—correction—elect to polarize in one direction or the other, there is a strong tendency to accept a proximity to purity as the totality itself.