
March 29, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We know that those of you who have been attending these meditations for a period of time now are very familiar with the message which we have to offer. The message of love seems very simple to those who have heard it, but, my friends, we ask you in truth, how simple is the Creator? Is it not a simple thing to consider that the Creator is all about you? Is it not a simple thing to consider that the Creator, being all things, loves all things, each part of Its creation? Yes, my friends, it is simple, a simple thing to consider this simple truth, yet so many of your people find it so difficult to express such a simple truth, such a simple recognition in their daily lives. It seems, by observation, so much simpler for entities to consider only their own momentary interests as they go about their daily round of activities. It seems so much simpler to forget that the Creator is within each being that you meet, is within each experience that you encounter.

March 22, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, we have spoken to you often of love. We know that those to whom we speak are seeking that ineffable power and substance that is the creative force of all that there is, the simple, single substance of creation. And yet how hard it is, my friends, to constantly remember that we are seekers and that what we are seeking is love, for do we not seek other things, my friends, during each day? How many other things has each of you sought during this day? Many, many times my friends, it may seem to you that you are on a runaway freight train, as this instrument would put it, that you have begun a sequence of events, gotten on a track from which there is no removing yourself. My friends, this is not so and is a condition of the illusion which is reinforced only by your belief in it. There is no track that cannot be replaced with one which you more truly seek. The secret lies not in catching the right train but in knowing yourself; knowing enough about yourself to seek your deepest desires.

March 8, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Imagine yourself, my friends, as a young man at the dawn of [inaudible], contemplating with some despair the difficulties and limitations of responsibility and adulthood. Imagine then a guide, a guardian, coming to this young man and saying, “Come with me and I shall show you the alternative to your difficulties and your limitations.”

February 4, 1981

Intensive Meditation

January 28, 1981

Intensive meditation

Hatonn: We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator do not ask you to believe. We ask you to question. We do not pretend to have the answers although we do have information to share. We are not those who know, we are those who seek. And when we speak to you we ask you to join us in that seeking, but not against the backdrop of those things which your people wish to limit themselves by defining as the limits for seeking. We ask you to seek against the backdrop that to us is meaningful. That is the backdrop of the infinite creation, the one Creator. It is our understanding that this one Creator is the very core of each and every thing that exists, and that each ear that hears these words is part of some of the Creator. We are one being.

January 25, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We do not have a language adequate to give to you the concepts which we offer. Those concepts are not complex but very simple. Simplicity, my friends, defies description in your language. The beauty defies description in your language. The truth defies description in your language. For your language, my friends, is not based in the system of thought which encompasses reality.

January 21, 1981

Intensive meditation

Laitos: My friends, we wish to reassure you about the nature of love, for in many cases it seems as fragile as a newborn rose in the snow—beautiful but transient. As you continue in your seeking you will find that the rose may wither, the preserved odor may fade but the memory and the knowledge of that beauty is as infinite as your being. You hold each perception within you and you assign to it that value which seems proper. Look then to each moment, for in even the most difficult or confused circumstance love resides, and not as a fragile thing but as the very heart of your experience.

January 18, 1981

Sunday meditation

Oxal: I wish only to share with you the image, my friends, of the center of all things. When there is that which spins, you may call it a top or a gyroscope, there is always a center which allows the whirling to continue to be balanced. As you are light beings, the energy which spins you is called love. The balance must come from the coordination of light and the polarities of love. Therefore, please think upon the virtues of the balanced gyroscope, which is always aware of the level and true path. And in your meditation seek always to know your own center.

January 11, 1981

Sunday meditation

Laitos: My brothers, at this time I would share with you a small story. At one time in the past of your planet, a man came from a small town in a poor country proclaiming that he was able to hear the words and the voice of a father who existed in another realm from his own physical, [visible] father. Naturally, his neighbors knew he was crazy, for this, they knew, was not the way the universe worked. Still the man persisted. He was very insistent. He claimed that his father, of all things, was everyone’s father and that, for this reason, everyone was brothers and sisters. Surely, my brothers, this was a calamity, for how could one hate or cheat or kill his own brother or sister? There was but one thing to do: the man must be silenced.

January 5, 1981

Advanced meeting

Hatonn: We are, at this time, initiating several, what you would call modes, for sending these messages which we have for your people. One of these programs has to do with your radio communications. We are, at this time, preparing certain communications to be substituted for some of your programming. This, I am sure, is a surprise to each of you, as it is to the instrument to which I am speaking through, but let me assure you, in the very near future that we will be using your radio communication to influence, shall I say, the thinking, without infringing upon those [inaudible] but we will bring them, without pain, to the limits of what you call [inaudible] of our reality or existence.

January 4, 1981

Sunday meditation

Latwii: We wish you to understand the utter simplicity in which we come. We do not have a complex story to tell. We speak one word and that is love. The original Thought that created all that there is, is love. This simple and consuming fire is the fire of creation, is the fire of change, of transformation and of infinity. There is no end to love. You may think of love in many ways. There are many words for love—in many languages. And many different words have been used by your peoples to attempt to express the plenitude of the original Thought, for love is all that there is. Thus, we are not only your brothers and sisters, we and you are one for we are love. Look into the face of the one next to you, my friends. You are seeing love.