
July 13, 1986

Sunday meditation

Yadda: So! We would speak this evening, and would thank you again for this great pleasure of the function of desire and of the tools that you may use to further your desire. Now you have desire [of] many things, but we speak of the strong desire for the truth that motivates the seeker. You do not want an answer as much as you want a clear understanding of the question.

July 6, 1986

Sunday meditation

Q’uo: We find the consciousness of those present this evening to be much aware of the day you celebrate in what you call your nation, as the birth date of your nation’s independence and each is our personal freedom. We find the phrase, “All men are created equal,” to be written large upon your hearts and your pride at this time. Thus, we would speak to you about how love and wisdom, to a lesser extent, function through illusion to facilitate and offer tools for the facilitation of individual spiritual growth.

June 29, 1986

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would share some thoughts with you this evening upon the subject of freedom.

June 15, 1986

Sunday meditation

L/Leema: We now speak upon the subject of healing energy. The question put before us, if we may paraphrase, is this: if, as Dr. Andrija (Puharich) says, healing energy is eight hertz or cycles per second, how can one achieve that rate of vibration naturally and how can it be used?

June 8, 1986

Sunday meditation

Yom: We would speak with you this evening about some applications of that which you call light. We shall begin with what may be seen to be a mechanistic description of the influences which light may have using various catalysts upon each entity. It is not known to your peoples the nature of light, for the necessary paradigm for grasping its nature is not available to your scientists. It is because of this lack of understanding that the nature of the crystalline structures have never been satisfactorily researched or understood by those you call men of science.

June 1, 1986

Sunday meditation

L/Leema: The request that has been made this evening is a layman’s discussion of the concept of three-dimensional time.

May 25, 1986

Sunday meditation

Q’uo: We have spoken this evening of the apparent and of that which is not apparent in order to share our understanding, simple though it is, that within your illusion you draw upon resources constantly that are far, far greater than you can imagine. And when you move within your daily round of activities, you are utilizing but the tiniest fraction of that which is at your disposal. Yet that very movement itself draws unto your limited self more and more of that which knows no limits in order to enhance your ability to experience within your illusion. Thus, we speak as we have spoken, of limitation and infinity being recapitulated within your own being and of this process being fueled by your will to seek and your faith that the seeking will bear fruit.

May 18, 1986

Sunday meditation

L/Leema: I am L/Leema, and I greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We greet each of you with great affection and thank you for calling us to your group this evening for it is your service to us to allow us to share our humble thoughts with you. And yet, you must know that in some degree we too are channels, and we pray, as does this instrument, that our words may have not only the meager understanding of our experience, but the inspiration of those who are our teachers as well, for are we not all channels of the one infinite Creator? And as we speak, do we not listen? And as you listen, does your heart not speak? We ask you these questions because the question has been asked of us, “What is the place of analytical thought upon the spiritual path of seeking the truth?”

May 11, 1986

Sunday meditation

L/Leema: I am L/Leema. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator and thank you for calling us to you this evening to consider the question, “What is the meaning of life?” This is not an inconsiderable question.

May 4, 1986

Sunday meditation

L/Leema: I am L/Leema. I greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is a privilege to have been called to your group this evening, for although none in the circle but the instrument had a question, this instrument has a pressing question and to this we shall address ourselves. The question this instrument believes it is asking is, “Am I a Christian?” However we shall approach the answer in a way unexpected to this instrument.

April 20, 1986

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: There is within the heart of each of you, my friends, a pathway. There is within the heart of each of you, my friends, a home. These are one and the same. Very often because of your illusion the seeker believes that the journey he is on is of a certain nature which among other things leaves him homeless. This has been the description of the seeker’s quest in many a spiritual metaphor—the road that stretches ever onward, the straight and narrow path, the craggy mountain trail, the dangerous, rock-strewn road, the endless desert. As these are all aspects of your own selves, these are aspects of the journey upon which you have set out by choice and from which you shall not return, therefore some feel homeless and others who know that they are in an oasis, comfortable, surrounded by support and love, almost feel as if they have left the path.

April 13, 1986

Sunday meditation

Latwii: My friends, we would speak to you about something somewhat seemingly different than the usual topic of love and meditation. We would speak to you of expenditures. The questions that bring you to a metaphysical group which is seeking the truth are basic. You wish to know who you are, you wish to know why you are here, you wish to determine where you are going. And somehow, philosophy often neglects that which may be called daily or ordinary life, expecting and hoping that the seeker will experience that more and more of the consciousness will be taken up with these deep and impenetrable matters so that as the life experience grows longer, the seeker will become closer and closer to the infinite mystery of the source of all that there is.

April 6, 1986

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening we would speak upon the topic of harmony, using the experience of this group this evening as a starting point, for though the topics of which you spoke upon were little concerned with matters spiritual, it was the desire behind the topic, shall we say, that allowed the work of blending vibrations together in a harmonious manner to occur.

March 30, 1986

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: As you know, no matter what our subject may be, we are speaking of some aspect of a life lived in love, and we would choose this evening to speak to you of the art of hope.

March 23, 1986

Sunday meditation

Laitos: My friends, we are pleased to speak to you tonight, for this is an occasion which we of the Confederation find beneficent for your planet. For we approach that time in which many of your planet celebrate the memory of the events of the life of one whom you call Jesus the Christ. We celebrate with you the efforts on the part of many to turn inward, to use this occasion as an opportunity, a stimulus to turn within and examine oneself, to reunite oneself with one’s Creator, for in truth, my friends, is this not the significance of that which you call the resurrection?