
April 26, 1974

Friday meditation

Hatonn: We would like to say a few words to you about this seeking, my friends, and this is, as we have said many times before, our only concern is to help you with your spiritual seeking. A great deal of activity has already taken place upon the surface of your planet and within its atmosphere by way of interaction between those of us in the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator and those who dwell upon the surface of your planet. Each confrontation of whatever nature was intended in some respect or another to turn those people involved toward an attitude of seeking. In many cases, my friends, we would say the majority of cases, this attempt worked, in that whatever anomalistic phenomenon—as this instrument would put it—occurred created the alerting mechanism in that entity’s mind which it was intended to create.

April 24, 1974

Wednesday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, we wish only to speak to you very briefly this evening. We are shepherds of your flock and we see the needs of the flock. Our only desire is to aid those of the flock who seek our aid. The aid you seek, my friends, has become very much focused upon true seeking than that of most of the sheep of the flock. Therefore, what can we say to you intellectually is more and more lacking in complete satisfaction. It is for this reason, my friends, that we stress to you, even as you are gaining advancement, the continued need for more and more meditation. For, my friends, what we can give you through use of the intellect and language is a very small percentage only of what we are able to give you by direct contact—mind to mind.

April 23, 1974

Tuesday meditation

Hatonn: I am Hatonn. I was saying that in the future every member of this group who desires to serve those who seek this service will have the opportunity to serve. If this service is to be effective, it will be necessary to one offering service to fully qualify [to do so.] These qualifications may be obtained in only one way. It is necessary to spend time each day in meditation. There is no other way that the qualifications that will be necessary to serve your fellow man can be obtained. We speak of true service. We speak about service that will bring to those of the peoples of Earth who desire understanding the understanding which they desire. This is all that we are attempting to do, for this is all that is necessary. For once this understanding is [acquired] by an individual, he then needs nothing else. For he is, then, an integral part of the Creation in every respect. He, then, no longer is separated in an illusory way by the illusion which he and his fellow man have created for their experience. And this, my friends, is the only thing man on Earth needs, the understanding that allows him to dissolve the illusion in which he now finds himself.

April 22, 1974

Monday meditation

Hatonn: What is seeking, my friends? What is true seeking? Seeking is an attempt to understand the desires of your Creator. Seeking is an attempt to understand why you are yourself and how you may express the desire of your Creator. This, my friends, is true seeking.

April 21, 1974

Sunday meditation

Philip of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays: As I speak to you, there is between us an ocean amount of space [inaudible]. My beloved brothers, you have truly bridged this chasm, this great ocean which lies between the understanding [inaudible] within the physical illusion, and we understand [inaudible] has the dilemma in understanding that we [inaudible]. The difficulties of communicating across this gap are formidable. And yet, my friends, as this instrument has noted, I say that it must be done and that it can be done.

April 20, 1974

Saturday meditation

Hatonn: We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are here to serve the people of Earth [inaudible]. These ways are varied. However, they seem mysterious. They seem mysterious to you ... this way, to us, is not mysterious. It is logical. It is the only way that we have of serving the people of Earth, for we bring to the people of Earth a service that they desire, but they are not consciously aware that they desire this service.

April 19, 1974

Friday meditation

Hatonn: We would like to give you this one thought this evening, and that is that our only aid to you is to give you a concept of understanding. What you are seeking is understanding. The fire and the energy with which you seek it is drawn from within the very marrow of your eternal reality. Your true desire is to seek this understanding. This understanding, in turn, my friends, that we are attempting to aid you in becoming aware of is very, very simple. It is, in fact, unitary. There is only One.

April 17, 1974

Wednesday meditation

Hatonn: I am aware of your concern at this time, and so we will speak this evening on the subject of becoming channels for aiding the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.

April 16, 1974

Tuesday meditation

Hatonn: It is very difficult for us to say words that have the desired effect. We wish for them to impel you or inspire you towards seeking to pique your interest and divert your attention to the subject of your own spiritual development. So many words remain simply words. We wish to effect the transformation from word to idea. Therefore, we have more to say than we can ever say and we have very, very little to say, for our truth is very simple and all we really wish to do is to propagate that truth as we understand it to you to the best of our ability to as many people as possible in the time allotted to us.

April 15, 1974

Monday meditation

Hatonn: We would like you to consider, my friends, an island in an ocean channel far out at sea. There is no land in sight and this small rock, washed by waves, bleached by the sun with small flora and fauna growing upon it, looks out upon the world, and its limited consciousness attempts to grasp the reality as it eddies and swirls about it. The little island detects many strange things as they enter its purvey. It lives through differences in climate and feeling and mood. It experiences the seasons of its flora and its fauna and it attempts to piece together a reasonable and holistic view of its reality.

April 14, 1974

First meditation

Hatonn: I speak to you from a craft. The craft is known to your peoples as an unidentified flying object. We are seen in your skies and we are known as unidentified. Let us consider, my friends, the meaning of identified. Identified, my friends, is something that you understand. What do you understand? Peoples of your planet believe that they understand many things. They do not understand the unidentified flying objects that are in their skies. What they do not realize is that they do not understand anything, for they have not attempted to understand anything.

April 14, 1974

Second meditation

Hatonn: It is very often that these words are misunderstood for one reason or another. The difficulty, my friends, is the constant use of the intellect taught to all people who have been at all educated. There is very little spiritual training that would be most helpful in supplying a spiritual development in a growing entity. As the physical body grows, the entity within is educated upon those portions of your planet which are now receiving the aid of technological advances. This enables his intellect to grow and his body to grow. There is much lacking after these two items have become mastered

April 13, 1974

Saturday meditation

Hatonn: What is it that you seek? My friends, you seek understanding. And what is understanding? Understanding, my friends, is not precisely what you think it is. Understanding is not an intellectual interpretation of the creation or of its realities. It is not an emotional response to reality in what I might call the most approved fashion. Understanding is not an emotional or intellectual response to your fellow creatures. Understanding, my friends, is very, very simply understanding the demonstration of the love of your Creator.

April 12, 1974

Friday meditation

Hatonn: Desire is a somewhat misunderstood phenomenon upon planet Earth, the misunderstanding lying principally in the feeling that one has desires about only certain sorts of objects. My friends, the term “desire” is very pale for what we are aware of as desire. The truth, my friends, is much closer to the intensity of fire. There is, however, no such word as what we are looking for and we use the word desire.

April 10, 1974

Wednesday meditation

Hatonn: The conditioning wave, my friends, is sent in a blanket wave. Some physical vehicles are attuned to accept the conditioning wave in a certain way so that it shows up immediately as certain feelings of energy. Others may not experience immediate sensation yet they too are receiving conditioning and their physical vehicles are becoming more closely attuned to the conditioning wave. There are many reasons why some people experience variations in the conditions however it is sent and it is received.